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State sees increase in auto deaths

Aug 29, 2019 | Car Accidents

Residents in Washington State have for years heard about the dangers of drunk driving. Numerous public awareness and education campaigns have been launched to reiterate the need for people to make responsible decisions and to make safety a priority. However, many drivers simply refuse to think this way when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Instead, they choose to drive in ways that put others at risk. Drunk driving, speeding and more are just some of the problems this results in.

According to records from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington State saw an increase in the number of vehicular fatalities it experienced in 2017 versus 2016. In looking at the various factors contributing to the 565 statewide deaths in 2017, increases are seen in categories including pedestrians, excessive speed and alcohol.

In 2016, there were 83 pedestrian deaths in Washington. In 2017, 103 people on foot were killed in vehicle accidents. Speeding drivers were involved in 172 deaths in 2017, 18 more than the previous year. Alcohol was a contributing factor in 178 deaths, also 18 more than the prior year. In fact, 2017 marked the fourth consecutive year in which the state has seen an increase in the number of people killed in drunk driving accidents.

If you would like to learn more about how you can protect yourself and your family if any of you are involved in a motor vehicle accident caused by the actions of a negligent driver, please feel free to visit the crash assistance and compensation page of our Washington State personal injury website.