A car crash comes unexpectedly. One minute, you may be thinking about what you want to eat for lunch or where you’d like to go for dinner, and the next you find yourself calling 911 for help. It’s a shocking situation to deal with, and it can take all of your energy just to get through it.
It’s important that drivers who cause crashes can be held responsible for their actions. Take, for example, this case involving a 48-year-old man who was traveling quickly on eastbound I-90. The driver lost control of his vehicle, which then resulted in him leaving the roadway.
As he attempted to correct the direction of the vehicle, he overcorrected. That resulted in a 23-year-old woman being ejected and killed. An 18-year-old man suffered from injuries. Another woman, 48, was also injured.
Though the reports show that the 23-year-old woman was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash, the 48-year-old man is still facing charges. He faces charges for driving too quickly for the conditions prior to the fatal crash.
Crashes like this are sad because one person has lost their life while others have been injured. Families and friends will all be affected by the impact of this kind of collision.
If a driver is speeding and crashes their vehicle, they can be held accountable for any injuries or deaths that take place involving their passengers. Even in single-vehicle crashes, it’s possible to hold someone accountable if they were not driving safely. If you’re hurt, remember that any driver who is at fault can still be held liable for the losses you suffer.